Complaint Handling Procedure


  1. A person has been appointed in this firm to deal with complaints.


Craig Varley

Business Manager

Balfours LLP

New Windsor House

Oxon Business Park




  1. You are requested to send a written summary of your complaint to the person dealing with it. This is to ensure that we fully understand exactly what your complaint is and have a written record of it.


  1. Once we have received your written summary of the complaint, we will contact you in writing within 3 (three) days to confirm receipt of your complaint.


  1. Within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of your written summary, or any subsequent written comments you may wish to make, the person dealing with your complaint will write to you in order to inform you of the outcome of the investigation in relation to your complaint and let you know what actions have been or will be taken. We will try to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction.  If you are happy with the outcome of the investigation into your complaint, the matter will conclude.  If we are not able to provide a full response within 15 (fifteen) days, then we will contact you to give an update on the progress of the investigation.


  1. If you have not received a full response from us within 4 (four) weeks and the complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction, we agree to the referral of your complaint to:


  • The Property Ombudsman, 43 – 55 Milford Street, Salisbury SP1 2BP.

You are free to obtain details of the redress scheme from the above addresses.